Zoga (蔵賀)

Zoga (917- July 16, 1003) was a Tendai sect monk in the middle of the Heian period. His father was the Sangi (royal advisor), Tsunehira TACHIBANA. He was also called Tonomine Sentoku.

He was an apprenticed to Jie Daishi (Gensan Daishi) Ryogen and participated in Tendai sect studies.
In 963, he lived in Tonomine (Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture) at the recommendation of FUJIWARA no Takamitsu and taught 'Makashikan' (Mahayana Practice of Cessation and Contemplation), 'Hokke Mongu' (Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra) and wrote 'Hokkegengisho,' 'Mugennennbutsukan.'
He trained and finished the Hokke-zanmai (Dharma-Lotus Samadhi) every three months throughout the year. On the other hand, he is also said to have performed miracles by zuho such as Fudo-gu (zuho celebrating the Fudo Myoo) and Hokke-kyo Sutra readings. He did not like honor or concessions and left many interesting stories.

[Original Japanese]