Minamoto no Mitsusue (源満末)

MINAMOTO no Mitsusue (dates of birth and death unknown) was a busho (Japanese military commander) in the late Heian period.
Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade)
Referred himself as a descendant of MINAMOTO no Koreshige: a grandson of MINAMOTO no Toru from the Saga Genji. A son of MINAMOTO no Sueyuki.

After generations passed, at the time of MINAMOTO no Mitsusue, the Saga Genji had become middle or lower-ranking nobles who did not have any further advancement in social status in Kyoto. Many of the people from the Saga Genji went to countryside seeking a new world. Mitsusue was granted the position of Jugoinoge, and in 1168, left the capital as a shokan (supervisor of the shoen [manor]) for Kanzaki-no-sho (Kanzaki-no-sho of the Tobain-ryo), a shoen directly controlled by the Imperial Family located in Hizen Province in Kyushu. Mitsusue settled down there as a samurai backed up by the Yamashiro clan of Matsuura Party, who was the local ruling family in Kanzaki. Kanzaki was under the enfeoffment by the Taira family since the time of TAIRA no Tadamori who was interested in the trade between Japan and the Sung Dynasty in China. When Mitsusue went to Kanzaki, since it was TAIRA no Kiyomori's prime, Mitsusue was placed under the Taira family along with other Matsuura Party including the Yamashiro clan.

There is a record of Mitsusue's son MINAMOTO no Sadamune having tracked and killed rebels in Iki Province. Mitsusue's grandson (or son, younger brother of Sadamune) MINAMOTO no Hisanao performed well on the Genpei War and became a jito (manager and lord of manor) of Kamachi, Mizuma County, Chikugo Province, as a Chinzei vassal of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal governmend headed by a shogun), and began to use the family name of Kamachi.

[Original Japanese]