Keien-isshi (桂園一枝)

Keien-isshi is a collection of waka (Japanese poetry) by Kageki KAGAWA (1768-1843) compiled by himself in the late Edo Period.

It was completed in 1828 and published in 1830. Three-volume. This is the most famous poetry collection of Kageki who evolved Roan OZAWA's proposal of "Tadagoto uta" (a style of poetry of unaffected feelings with straightforward wording) and dominated the poetry circle based in Kyoto with a sophisticated and fresh style of poetry. Kageki's style of poetry was very popular until the early Meiji Period and called Keien school because of this anthology. Kageki found his ideal style of poetry in 'Kokin Wakashu' (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) and admired KI no Tsurayuki as Kasei (great poet), so he compiled this anthology by himself to put his ideal into practice. The anthology consisted of four sections: Four seasons, Love, Miscellaneous, and Other categories (Choka (long poem), Sedoka (head-repeated poem), and Haikai (Seventeen-syllable verse)).

[Original Japanese]