Kyoho-Oban (享保大判)

Kyoho-Oban refers to a large-sized gold coin released in July 1725.

As Kyoho-Koban Kyoho-Chogin came to have its content of gold equivalent to that of Keicho-Koban Keicho-Chogin due to the currency reform of 1714, the Oban did the same to Keicho-Oban. It was the first Oban to have an official currency value, and both Kyoho-Koban and Kyoho-Koban Kyoho-ichibu-ban were given an official price of seven-ryo two bu. After the Gembun's currency reform of 1736, the market price of ten-ryo for Gembun-Koban was widely accepted.

General synopsis

it was an oval coin with slightly angular edges, but which was more rounded than the Keicho-Oban, and bore the letters "ju-ryo GOTO" written on the face of the coin in ink by Jujo, who was the twelfth family head of the GOTO clan, then by Enjo the thirteenth family head, followed by Keijo the fourteenth family head, Shinjo the fifteenth family head, Hojo the sixteenth family head, and Tenjo the seventeenth family head, and bore the stamp of a paulownia in a circle on all four corners of the coin. Since it was in circulation for a long period, the ink writings on the surface had to be regularly renewed, resulting in the ink writings by six genererations of the Goto clan. There are many existing Kyoho-oban, surpassed only by the Manen-Oban, although Kyoho-Obans with ink writings by the twelfth clan head, Jujo, are rare.

It had the engraved seal of an encircled paulownia, a hexagon, and a written seal mark at the center of the back of the coin, and had either one of the following on on the bottom left: "hisa, sa, take,""hisa, ishi, take,""hisa, saka, take,""hisa, u, take," or "hisa, shichi, take."

Although eight thousand five hundred and fifteen of the Oban were minted, fifteen of them were crushed in minting tests by the Obanza, that the total coins released was 8,500.

Kyoho-Oban was supposed to have it's gold content equivalent to that of the Keicho-Oban, but due to the money-handler's dealing of the Keicho-Oban, which was no longer in circulation, Tadasuke OOKA did not approve it's circulation and made the decision to melt it on April 1726. He handled this Keicho-Oban matter differently from Keicho-Koban, which had been granted its currency again due to Shotoku's currency reform.

The period of currency was from January 3, 1726 to May 30, 1860.

[Original Japanese]