Eiseiroku (永世禄)

Eiseiroku (a type of premium) was the highest ranked Shotenroku (premium) in early Meiji era, which was awarded to ones with merits for their contribution to the Boshin War and the Restoration of Imperial Rule. Similar to heredity stipend, the rewards were also passed on to their descendants (as mentioned later, this reward system was in fact abolished after seven years).

The rewards were awarded to lords of domains, nobles, or warriors who demonstrated significant achievements over the Boshin War, or the Restoration of Imperial Rule. Eiseiroku was considered superior for its perpetuity, unlike other rewards such as Shushinroku, which only lasted for a generation, Nengenroku, which had a fixed period of grant, and a one-off payment, which was not a horoku (salary).

Eiseiroku were issued three times in 1869

List of rewards for military service in the Boshin War'
On July 10;
The rewards were given to those who had given distinguished service in the Boshin War. Shimazu clan (Hisamitsu SHIMAZU, Tadayoshi SHIMAZU and his children) and Mori clan (Takachika MORI, Hiroatsu MORI and his children) received 100,000 koku (18039.00 cubic meters) each, a feudal retainer Takamori SAIGO received 2,000 koku (360.78 cubic meter), and total of 101 individuals and 1 squad received rewards.

List of rewards for military service in the Battle of Hakodate'
On October 18;
The rewards were given to those who had given distinguished service in the Battle of Hakodate. Kenhiro MATSUMAE of Tate domain received 20,000 koku (3607.80 cubic meters), and total of 16 individuals received rewards.

List of rewards for meritorious vassals in the Restoration'
On October 30;
The rewards were given to those who had distinguished service and did not come under two descriptions mentioned above. Sanetomi SANJO and Tomomi IWAKURA received 5,000 koku (901.95 cubic meters) each, Toshimichi Okubo and Takayoshi Kido received 1,800 koku (324.70 cubic meters) each and total of 20 individuals received rewards.

The purpose of these rewards were to guarantee living of those who had distinguished service in the Restoration, as well as to demand continuous assistance to Meiji government. However, total of above three rewards added up to 800,000 koku (144312.00 cubic meters), which was equal to total rokudaka (stipend) of taihan (large scale domain), and it became huge financial burden to Meiji government, which had a weak financial basis. Therefore, Eiseiroku and other Chitsuroku (hereditary stipend) were consolidated and converted to Kinroku-kosai (Kinroku government securities) when Chitsuroku-shobun (Abolition Measure of Hereditary Stipend) was practiced and Eiseiroku was abolished in the brief span of 7 years.

[Original Japanese]