Sandai-Kyaku-Shiki (三代格式)

Sandai-Kyaku-Shiki is a term used to collectively refer to three Kyaku-Shiki acts (laws supplementary to the Ritsu-ryo, which were the statutes of the Nara and Heian periods) that were codified during the Heian era: the Konin-Kyaku-Shiki Act, the Jogan-Kyaku-Shiki Act and the Engi-Kyaku-Shiki Act. Although codification of the above acts began in the Konin, Jogan (the era name in Japan) and Engi eras, respectively, they were in fact completed in later eras. The Konin-Kyaku-Shiki Act was codified by FUJIWARA no Fuyutsugu by order of the Emperor Saga, the Jogan-Kyaku-Shiki Act was codified by FUJIWARA no Ujimune by order of the Emperor Seiwa and the Engi-Kyaku-Shiki Act was codified by FUJIWARA no Tokihira by order of Emperor Daigo.

Konin-Kyaku-Shiki Act
Konin-Kyaku Code
The Kyaku Code codified the various social statuses that had existed between the years 701 and 819. A portion of it still exists.

The Konin-Shiki Code
The Shiki Code was codified between the years 701 and 819. A portion of it still exists.

The Jogan-Kyaku Code
Shochoku-Kampu-shu (imperial rescripts and government documents) between 820 and 868

The Kyaku Code was completed in 869. It is no longer in existence.

The Jogan-Shiki Code
The Shiki Code was completed in 871. It is no longer in existence.

The Engi-Kyaku-Shiki Act
The Engi-Kyaku Code
Shochoku-Kampu-shu (imperial rescripts and government documents) between 869 and 907

Enforced in 908

The Engi-Shiki Code
Its codification began in 905 and was completed in 927.

It was enforced in 967. There are 50 volumes.

[Original Japanese]