Seiden (正殿)

A seiden (shoden) is the central building of a palace, a shrine, etc. Various ceremonies are held in the seiden.

Ise-jingu shrine

Imperial Palace
Seiden of the Meiji Palace. It was built in 1888. It was a Japanese-style single-story wooden building having a half-hipped roof, facing the courtyard to the south. It had a double-lattice ceiling. Wayo-Secchu (Japanese Hybrid Style) was adopted using chandeliers, carpets, etc.

The promulgation ceremony of the Meiji Constitution was held in this seiden on February 11, 1889. It was burned down along with other buildings of the palace due to the Great Tokyo Air Raid in 1945.

Seiden of the Imperial Palace
The Seiden of the Imperial Palace is the central building of the palace and facing the courtyard to the east. Japanese style exterior, having a half-hipped roof. The ridge of the roof is decorated, at its opposite ends, with an auspicious bird. The south side and the north side of the Seiden are respectively connected to a corridor and Homei-den Hall. The floor level of the Seiden is 3.7 meters high from the ground level of the courtyard. It is the highest among the buildings of the palace.

The Seiden includes three chambers: Take-no-ma, Matsu-no-ma, and Ume-no-ma.

In 1990, the throne was built in Matsu-no-ma of the Seiden and the enthronement ceremony for the Emperor Heisei was held.

[Original Japanese]