Shibujo (四奉請)

Shibujo is a gemon taken from Hoshozenshi Goehojisan.


奉請十方如来 (Bujojipponyorai) 入道場 (Nyudojo) 散華楽 (Sangeraku)
奉請釈迦如来 (Bujoshakanyorai) 入道場 (Nyudojo) 散華楽 (Sangeraku)
奉請弥陀如来 (Bujomidanyorai) 入道場 (Nyudojo) 散華楽 (Sangeraku)
奉請観音勢至諸大菩薩 (Bujokannonseishishodaibosatsu) 入道場 (Nyudojo) 散華楽 (Sangeraku)


Adored saints from everywhere, please enter the dojo, where I will scatter flowers to receive you. Adored Shaka Nyorai (Shakyamuni), please enter the dojo, where I will scatter flowers to receive you. Adored Amida Nyorai, please enter the dojo, where I will scatter flowers to receive you. Adored Kannon, Seishi, and other great Bosatsu, please enter the dojo, where I will scatter flowers to receive you.

[Original Japanese]