Jojin (成尋)

Jojin (1011 - November 9, 1081) was a Tendai Sect Buddhist monk who lived during the mid-Heian period. His father was Mutsu no kami (the governor of Mutsu Province), FUJIWARA no Sanekata's son, FUJIWARA no Sadanobu. His mother was Jojin Ajari no Haha, poet and daughter of MINAMOTO no Toshikata who wrote 'Jojin Ajari no haha no shu' (A collection of poems by mother of Jojin Ajari). He is also known as Zene Kokushi.

He entered the Buddhist priesthood aged seven years when he studied under Monkyo of Daiun-ji Temple in Iwakura, Kyoto before receiving the knowledge of Taimitsu (esoteric Buddhism of the Tendai Sect) from Goen, Gyoen and Myoson. In 1041, he was appointed betto of Daiun-ji Temple (Kyoto City). He became the Acharya (preceptor) of Enryaku-ji Temple's Soji-in sub-temple, and was appointed the gojiso (a priest who prays for protection) of FUJIWARA no Yorimichi.
In 1072, he travelled to Northern Song Dynasty China where he made a pilgrimage to the holy sites and temples connected to Tendai Sect founder Zhiyi including Mt. Tiantai and Mt. Wutai,
He was granted an audience with Emperor Shenzong (of Song Dynasty China) and was given the name Zene Daishi after mastering rainmaking prayer. In addition, he introduced the travel journals of Ennin and Chozen as well as monk Eshin Sozu Genshin's "Ojoyoshu" (The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land) to China, and sent over 600 scrolls including sutras to Japan. He attempted to return to Japan but was kept in China by Emperor Shenzong, and passed away at Kaibao Temple in Bianjing. His travel diary entitled "Santendai Godaisanki" consists of eight volumes.

[Original Japanese]