Jiun (慈雲)

Jiun (February 18, 1673 – August 6, 1753) was a monk of Jodo Shinshu (the True Pure Land sect of Buddhism) and a poet. His secular family name was Kawamura. He was commonly known as Kanaya Kichiemon. He was originally from Awa Province. In 1709, he entered the priesthood at Komyo-in Temple of Jodo Shinshu in Miyajima in Aki Province. His Buddhist name was originally Joun, and later it was changed to Jiun (possibly the name was chosen after the cherry blossoms that Saigyo loved). In the following year in 1710, he moved to Kyoto to study the art of waka poetry with an aristocrat called Sanekage MUSHANOKOJI, whose theory on poetry he recorded as 'Shirin shushu' (Treatise on Waka Poetry). Through the aristocratic connection of Sanekage, Jiun formed relationships with court nobles and the imperial family, and was especially close to Imperial Prince Ichijoin no miya Sonsho who was also a waka poet. He travelled through provinces in remembrance of Saigyo, the poet of the late Heian period. He found the mound of Saigyo at Hirokawa-dera Temple in Kawachi Province, and erected the Saigyo-do Hall. As was Saigyo, Jiun was buried in Hirokawa-dera Temple.

He wrote the anthology of poems 'Toshinami-kusa.'

[Original Japanese]