Furitsukenjo (扶律顕常)

Furitsukenjo is a term that mean "Nehan-gyo Sutra" (The Sutra of The Great Nirvana) from the viewpoint of Buddhism, especially hokke-ichijo (the doctrines called the Single Vehicle of the Lotus) including Tendai-shu sect and Nichiren-shu sect. It means to promote religious precepts and clarify that bussho (the Buddhist nature) is eternal. It is also called Furitsudanjo or Furitsusetsujo. It derives from what Tendai Daishi Chigi defined.

In masse, the period after Sakya-muni Buddha's death, bad Biku (Buddhist priests) may become rampant, break religious precepts, and mislead people saying that 'Nyorai (Tathagata) is impermanent,' so to prevent it, "Nehan-gyo" preaches the demand of the precepts and eternity of bussho. Also, "Nehan-gyo" is the teaching to prevent people from being trapped by a wrong idea that he/she is the same as Buddha when he/she listens to eternity of bussho (which is already taught in "Hoke-kyo Sutra" (the Lotus Sutra)) by preaching kakureki or ryakko (a lapse of kalpa) practices to help people adhere to precepts as a means.

Nichiren told in "Shaka ichidai goji keizu" (a flow chart of five stages of preaching in the life of Shakamuni) as follows:

Based on the above, religious schools whose principal object of worship is Nichiren think "Nehan-gyo" as a treasured heirloom that saves life, which is the theory of eternity of busho preached in "Hoke-kyo." This is called zokumyojyuho.

In this context, the following description in "Mappo Tomyo Ki," which is said to be compiled by Saicho (some people say it is fake), is often quoted:

Religious schools whose principal object of worship is Nichiren preach 'Mappo mukai' (a concept to deny the validity of precepts in the Final Dharma Age) and consider priests in the Final Dharma Age as mukai (having no commandments). However, this text produced various theories: Nichiren focused on the meaning of a word 'myoji' (family name) and considered 'myoji soku bodai' (family names are Bodhi) as similar to 'bonno soku bodai' (earthly desires are Bodhi) and indicated conversion by 'myojisoku (when you listen to Shobo (the phase lasting 1,000 years following the death of the Historical Buddha) the first time, you realize that all laws are Buddhism teaching),' not just denial of religious precept; or laws of Shakyamuni and precepts are not valid in mappo, so only Kongoho kikan clarified by Nichiren, the principal object of worship, is the precept in Mappo.

Therefore, this is also related to precepts and descriptions of eternity of busho in "Nehan-gyo" and needs to be considered in light of them.

"Shasekishu" (collection of Buddhist stories) written in the mid Kamakura period also describes as follows:

[Original Japanese]